A pair of new cigars bearing the iconic Lamborghini bull logo are bound for the United States as well as the global market, as Lamborghini Latinoamerica USA has announced a manufacturing and distribution deal with Florida-based cigar distributor Lord of Cigars. Formally known as the 1963 Lamborghini 350 GTV Maduro, the first new release is a sizable 7 x 56 torpedo that uses a Mexican San Andrés maduro wrapper that has been aged for five years along with a Nicaraguan binder and fillers from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. The cigar bears the name of the iconic 350 GTV automobile that was unveiled at Turin Auto Show 1963, the very first automobile Ferrucio Lamborghini created for the automotive side of his company after his infamous fight with Enzo Ferrari. “The cigar duly represents the classic aura of the historic automobiles image with its medium-full bodied spice, superior smoke output & a unique complex but smooth blend that covers various parts of the Latin American regions,” according to Anthony Crudup, Lamborghini Latinoamerica’s ceo. The Lamborghini MCMXCIV Habano is also a 7 x 56 torpedo vitola that uses an Ecuadorian habano wrapper over a Nicaraguan binder and fillers from Nicaragua and the ...