Warped Cigars second cigar release will be a custom one. The company will release La Colmena, a two vitola line that consists of cigars rolled in the style of Cuban custom-rolled cigars. Normally, Cuban customs are rolled privately by some of the country’s more premier rollers, traditionally offered in unbanded bundles. La Colmena will follow the single roller approach with Warped Cigars claiming production limited to 100 cigar sped day. The La Colmena Amado No. 36 is a 6 x 36 petit lancero with Raf listed as the roller, while the Amado No. 44 is a 5 1/2 x 44 vitola rolled by Reynaldo. Each will feature a pigtail and covered foot, another common feature of Cuban customs, but the cigars will be packaged in 10-count boxes and feature bands. Pricing is set at $12.50 for the No. 36 and $14.50 for the No. 44. The cigar will feature an Ecuadorian wrapper and binder with fillers from the Dominican republic and Nicaragua. “We’re very excited about the release of the La Colmena line,” said Kyle Gellis of Warped Cigars in a press release. “It gives us a chance to showcase something different in the industry, a profile that hasn’t been ...