Cigar industry, welcome Baracoa Cigar Co. The new company will launch its debut release, The Voyage, in a month. The La Aurora-made products are the first cigars from Danny Vasquez, owner of Baracoa. Its name comes from the city on the eastern tip of Cuba. The Voyage uses a 2011 Dominican corojo wrapper, Ecuadorian binder and Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers. It will be offered in two sizes Robusto (5 x 50, $8.50) and Toro (5 1/2 x 54, $9). Both are sold in boxes of 20. “In 1492 Christopher Columbus set out to change the world, by defying conventional thinking and believing that earth was round, and that he could find new travel routes around the globe,” said Vasquez in a press release. “Along his journey he landed on the east coast of Cuba, where the city of what is now known today as Baracoa, stands proudly today.” The company will begin shipping cigars to its first accounts on July 25.