A pair of new Cuban cigars are beginning to arrive in select markets: the cigarillo Partagás Puritos and tubed Quintero Tubulares. While the Partagás Puritos shares packaging aesthetics with the marca’s Serie P, Serie D and Serie E lines, it is being produced by Internacional Cubana de Tabacos, S.A. and not Habanos S.A., with chopped tobacco used for the filler. The new size measures 4 3/10 inches (109mm) long with a 27 ring gauge and comes packed in five-count cardboard packs priced at €5 per pack in Germany. The Quintero Tubulares measures 5 1/4 inches (133mm) with a 42 ring gauge that is handmade using short fillers tobacco from Cuba’s Vuelta Abajo and Semi Vuelta regions. It is sold in three packs for €10.50 in Germany. The new cigars aren’t being picked up in every market, however, as distributor in the United Kingdom and Switzerland told halfwheel that they aren’t bringing these to their regions. (Images courtesy of 5th Avenue)