For the last year or so, a relatively small Dominican cigar maker has been making plans to launch its two cigar lines in the United States, and in March, it released its first batch of cigars stateside. Flor y Nata SRL made its “official” U.S. debut at the 2015 IPCPR Convention & Trade Show, sharing space with Luis Sánchez’s Cuban Tradition Cigar Group, as he had been helping the young company with orders, logistics and other things in preparation for its stateside launch. Joan Manuel Rodriguez showed off his two lines, Flor y Nata and Noxio, both of which are Dominican puros and have been available in the Dominican Republic since 2013. The Noxio line uses a Dominican negrito Canca wrapper, a Dominicana criollo 98 binder and Dominican criollo 98 and habano 2020 in the filler. There are three sizes currently available, Robusto (5 1/4 x 52, $8.49), Toro (6 x 56, $8.49) and Doble Toro (6 x 60, $8.99), with a fourth vitola, a Churchill (7 x 52, $9.99), limited to select stores. Each cigar gets a year of rest before being released. It’s also a limited production release, with only 25,000 cigars produced each year. It gets its name from ...