For reasons that I don’t understand, Viaje seems to be releasing less and less information about its products in recent times. While the company certainly releases a lot of different cigars over the course of the year, only a small fraction are actually entirely new concepts. Ignoring the mass diaspora of cigars moving their production to PDR Cigars, most of the details have typically stayed the same from year to year with any one particular cigar. In fact, many of the company’s releases have the same prices as when they were introduced a handful of years ago. For Zombie that means there are two versions of the cigar: Green and Red. Each measure the same length, but the wrappers are different. Typically, Zombie has been one of the more limited releases, oftentimes just 100 boxes of 20 cigars per each blend, and sent to only two retailers. This year seems to have changed. While there were certainly Viaje retailers that did not receive the 2016 Zombies, there were a lot more than two that did, a situation that a spokesperson for the company declined to answer any questions about. In prior years, the Green version featured a Nicaraguan criollo wrapper ...