Our redux reviews take on two different forms. Most of the time, we take a look back at a cigar that we previously reviewed with other cigars that we purchased for the original review. This means the cigars have rested for an addition six months, although in most cases, it’s for a much longer period of times. In the other category, not usually seen, we compare cigars that we previously reviewed with newer versions of the same cigar, exactly what today is about. I first reviewed the Undercrown Flying Pig in the summer of 2012. Back then, it was an extremely limited cigar and not available in the U.S. with all 205 boxes of 12 being sent to Holland. The blend was said to be slightly modified, a tweak I enjoyed quite a bit: Because it’s what everyone is wondering, let’s get it out of the way. Better than the No. 9 Pig? Nope. Better than the T52 Pig? I liked it more. Better than Feral Flying Pig? Two different cigars—push. Better than Corona ¡Viva!? No. Better than a regular Undercrown? Yes. Perhaps most interesting—better than I expected. Despite the youth, the vitola was earthier and more detailed than most ...