JM Tobacco has begun the nationwide launch of its latest premium cigar offering, the bundled Havana Preferred. The cigar had a soft launch in May, shipping to select accounts. The Havana Preferred uses a Mexican San Andrés wrapper with a Connecticut seed broadleaf maduro binder and Dominican ligero and seco in the filler. Four classic shapes are being offered in the Havana Preferred line, a 5 x 50 robusto, 6 x 50 toro, 7 x 50 churchill and 6 x 52 torpedo. Each size comes in 20-count bundles, with production being handled by Tabacalera Turey, S. A. in the Dominican Republic. Each cigar retails for just under $5.00 per stick. Anto Mahroukian, president of JM Tobacco, said in a press release that the cigars offer both visual appeal and a flavorful smoking experience while still delivering on the company’s promise of delivering value to consumers. “Havana Preferred, like all JM cigars, offers top performance and quality, but at very accessible prices,” he noted. He describes Havana Preferred’s profile as “medium bodied, with a slightly sweet taste and hints of chocolate and coffee,” adding that it makes for a great entry level cigar or afternoon smoke.