When you think about cigar ashtrays, chances are the first image that comes to your mind is a ceramic piece with a glazed finish and probably a manufacturer’s logo on it. While these do make up a large part of the market, there are a vast majority of materials used to make them including but definitely not limited to glass, steel, pewter, lucite and wood. GRAMM Works went the metal route, choosing aircraft grade aluminum blocks for its Cinque Forte ($99) ashtray. Two anodized finishes are offered: a black (seen here) or gun metal finish, In many ways, the Cinque Forte looks like an oversized version of a classic cigarette ashtray in metal. There’s five spots to hold cigars and a deep bowl with the GRAMM Works logo laser engraved in the middle. All that adds up to a hefty three and a half pounds, which is great if you are concerned about the product being knocked over. For those concerned about the Cinque Forte potentially scratching a table, a felt bottom is included. In addition, the bottom is hollowed out, a perfect way to grip the ashtray when emptying it. As for the overall design of the ashtray, it ...