An increase to the minimum age to purchase tobacco products appears to be coming to the Chicago suburb of Naperville, Ill., as city leaders have directed staff to prepare two ordinances that will be considered next month. Both would raise the minimum age to purchase tobacco products to 21, though one would also make it illegal for a person under 21 to possess or use tobacco products. Both proposals also contain an exemption to the ban for licensed hookah lounges, as city officials have been receptive to local hookah bar business owners who have said that the increase would drastically harm their businesses, according to the Chicago Tribune. Naperville’s move towards an increase in the tobacco purchase age continues a growing movement in the Chicago area, as that city passed an increase in mid-March that went into effect on July 1. Evanston and Oak Park, both Chicago suburbs, have also passed age increases. Naperville is located approximately 35 miles west of Chicago and has a population of approximately 145,000 residents.