For as seemingly omnipresent as it is in the cigar world, JetLine is a very quiet company, not issuing much in the way of press releases or other new product announcements, and certainly not putting forth the fanciest booth on the trade show floor. But while the company may have been relatively quiet in terms of announcements, some of the products released are easily some of the boldest in recent memory. The company launched a handful of new cutters, lighters and travel cases, but what’s interesting is how big and bold some of them are. These aren’t just new finishes or designs on pocket lighters, these are almost statement pieces. All of the new products are slated to end up on store shelves in the coming weeks. JetLine Argo JetLine has taken a big step in their involvement in travel cases, including this cylinder called the Argo. It holds seven cigars in a vertical position via a custom cut piece inside, while a humidification unit sits above them to provide enough moisture to keep them fresh. A lid-mounted hygrometer displays the relative humidity inside the canister so you can tell if anything needs to be adjusted without having to open ...