Battleground Cigars, best known for its line of Civil War inspired releases, is venturing into the world of infused cigars for its newest release, the Darby. The Darby takes Battleground’s Honduran Maduro blend, which uses a Mexican San Andrés maduro wrapper over a Honduran criollo binder and Honduran corojo filler, and then infuses the finished cigars with Leadslingers’ Whiskey for 60 days in Battleground’s Connecticut facilities. The cigars are made in Honduras, though Battleground does not disclose the specific factory. Leadslingers’ Whiskey is a Moore, Okla. company owned and operated by seven combat veterans who come from backgrounds with the U.S. Army Rangers, U.S. Air Force TACP, Special Forces, and Paratrooper communities. The company also produces rum, rye and cinnamon flavored whiskey. The Darby will be available in a single vitola, a 6 x 60 that will come tubed and in 10-count boxes. Each cigar is priced at $19.95. A spokesperson for the company said it will be a limited release, though a specific number of cigars being produced has not been announced. It is named for Gen. William O. Darby, an officer in the U.S. Army who was killed in 1945 during military action in Italy in the midst of World ...