Rest assured, the book in the humidor is not for reading. Rather, it’s probably the newest cigar from De Los Reyes Cigars’ Saga brand. The company has begun shipping the Short Tales Series, a planned 10-cigar line, with cigars coming in hollowed-out books that are used as display boxes. As for the cigar, the first one is Saga Short Tales: Tales of High Priming. As the name would imply, it’s using high arming wrapper. Specifically, a dark wrapper from Jalapa, Nicaragua, Indonesian binder and fillers including Connecticut broadleaf and habano and negrito tobaccos grown by the Reyes family. The 4 x 58 cigar is priced at $8.49 per cigar and offered in boxes of 10. While various companies have used book-style packaging, none have gone to this sort of detail where actual pages are included as part of the packaging. De Los Reyes plans on releasing a total of 10 different cigars as part of the Short Tales Series. The cigars are now shipping to retailers.