Every year since its 90th anniversary in 2011, New Hampshire-based retailer Federal Cigar has released exclusive cigars from various different manufacturers to celebrate its birthday. E.P. Carrillo is one of those manufactures, having collaborated with Federal Cigar in 2011 on the E.P. Carrillo Short Run 2010 No. 4 for the retailer’s 90th anniversary as well as the Federal Cigar 92nd Anniversary EPC Medalla D’ Oro that was produced to commemorate Federal’s 92nd anniversary in 2013. For its 95th anniversary, Federal Cigar chose to release yet another E.P. Carrillo exclusive at an event on April 8. Appropriately named the E.P. Carrillo Federal 95th, the cigar is a 6 x 52 toro composed of Connecticut broadleaf wrapper covering a “significantly aged” Ecuadorian sumatra binder and filler made up of tobaccos from Estelí, Nicaragua. The E.P. Carrillo Federal 95th were rolled at Tabacalera La Alianza in the Dominican Republic, and production is limited to 200 bundles of 15, with each cigar carrying a price of $8.75. Cigar Reviewed: Country of Origin: Factory: Wrapper: Binder: Filler: Length: Ring Gauge: Vitola: MSRP: Release Date: Number of Cigars Released: Number of Cigars Smoked For Review: Visually, the E.P. Carrillo Federal 95th features a sharp box-press and is covered in a dark chocolate brown wrapper ...