In early October 2013, Tatuaje Cigars released the sixth cigar in a series that, to cigar lovers, has become synonymous with Halloween. Dubbed The Monster Series, each year since 2008 has brought a different cigar named and marketed after a different movie monster, both in the present day and the past. The following is from Charlie Minato’s review of the Skinny Face. The Monster Series originally began as an annual release around Halloween where a cigar was based off a specific monster character from film or literature. The plan was 13 large and relatively strong cigars with both the packaging and cigars themselves inspired by a particular character. Now in year nine of the planned 13, it includes a partnership with S.T.Dupont for limited edition accessories to go along with each release and three separate samplers based off of the Monster Series concept. In 2012, Tatuaje released the Little Monsters, which included smaller versions of the first five Monster Releases. The blends were the same, though the Little Monsters were all rolled in 2012 and the cigars shrunk. For example, the Baby Face was a 4 3/8 x 50 version of The Face, a 6 3/8 x 56. The cigars did keep the same ...