There is a certain expectation in the cigar industry that when a new line comes out in a natural wrapper, a maduro version is almost certain to follow. It’s not a universal by any means, but look around and you will see more examples than can be listed here, and you probably don’t even need to be in your local retailer’s humidor to rattle off at least five examples. In the case of Crowned Heads and the Headley Grange line, the process of releasing a maduro version took about three and a half years, but it has finally happened as an exclusive release to JR Cigar. Headley Grange was Crowned Heads’ second line, the follow-up to Four Kicks. Unveiled at the 2012 IPCPR Convention & Trade Show, a limited batch of 1,000 boxes of the Estupendos size were released to retailers after the show, with the remaining sizes being released in Spring 2013. In addition to getting favorable reviews, the cigar also became very well known for the origin of its name, as Jon Huber wanted to create a cigar that tasted as distinctive as the opening drum beat of Led Zeppelin’s “When the Levee Breaks,” which was recorded at ...