It’s been an interesting week for cigar lovers and Facebook. Many cigar lovers woke up to a flurry of messages and notifications on Tuesday morning that some of the most prominent cigar groups on the site were changing names, status and visibility, while others were shut down by the social networking site, the result of what appeared to be a crackdown on person-to-person sales of cigars, something that has happened to similar groups that discuss guns and alcohol. Members and administrators of the Cigar Cartel group, which had approximately 21,000 members, found that the group had suddenly been deleted for violating Facebook’s Terms of Use, according to a message delivered to group founder Nick Era. What exactly the violation was hasn’t been disclosed to Era, who told halfwheel that Cigar Cartel didn’t allow any harassment, threatening or hateful remarks within the group and prided itself on preaching class and integrity while maintaining a “drama free zone.” What might have gotten Cigar Cartel shut down was the fact that it was the environment where a number of sales of cigars originated, something Era readily admitted. “We are the ones who brought the ‘eBay of cigars’ to Facebook,” he said. “Part of ...