Debuting in 2014, the Davidoff retailer anniversary exclusive program allows appointed merchants to commemorate major anniversaries by incorporating their branding onto a special Davidoff of their own. As part of the program, Davidoff chooses a specific size every year—this year’s vitola is a 6 x 52 belicoso—and a specific cigar to serve as inspiration. It then makes five blends and sends each of the five blends to interested retailers, who get to choose which one they would like. Charlie Minato explained a bit more about the program: We are told that the blends are not identical to existing Davidoff blends, for example, you should not be able to choose a Millennium Blend in a 5 1/4 x 54 format—and that multiple retailers could in theory choose the same blend. Each retailer must purchase at least 300 boxes of 10, although they can order more and the cigars are shipped at the same time. Rhode Island-based retailer Regency Cigar Emporium is one of the Davidoff merchants to receive a release this year to celebrate the store’s 20th anniversary in business. Dubbed the Davidoff Regency Cigar Emporium Exclusive 2016, the cigar incorporates a Connecticut-seed Ecuadorian rojiza wrapper covering a Dominican binder and Dominican filler tobaccos. Only 3,000 cigars ...