Two of Davidoff’s iconic cigars will be retiring shortly. Davidoff of Geneva USA has informed its salesforce that the company will be discontinuing the Aniversario No. 1 and No. 2, as well as the entire Puro d’Oro line, as part of the brand’s ever-evolving portfolio. Aniversario was a line originally created to celebrate company founder, Zino Davidoff’s 80th birthday in 1986. At the time, the company will still making cigars in Cuba, but when production in the Dominican Republic began in 1990, the Aniversario was one of the cigars the company first made. The 8 2/3 x 48 is noted for coming in large wooden tubes. Aniversario No. 2 is a 7 x 48 churchill that uses an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper over a Dominican binder and filler. It has also been part of the Davidoff portfolio since the early 1990s. The company will keep the Aniversario No. 3, a 6 x 50 toro, in its portfolio. Also departing will be Puro d’Oro, a line the company launched in 2010. The Dominican puro was made to highlight wrapper grown in the Yamasá region. Each of the, what would eventually become, eight vitolas that make up the Puro d’Oro line are blended slightly differently, an ...