In November 2015, Chogüí Cigars celebrated its one year anniversary, and as cigar companies are wont to do, commemorated the occasion with a cigar. Measuring 5 1/2 x 46, the new corona gorda was named Primeraño, a moniker based off primer año, which is Spanish for first year. According to Chogüí’s founder Victor Nicolás, Primeraño draws inspiration from the Dominican tradition of men buying their girlfriends flowers after the first year of dating. As for the blend, the Chogüí Primeraño is based off of a test blend for the company’s Primera Edición. It is covered in a Dominican HVA wrapper and incorporates a Dominican criollo 98 binder as well as filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, including some of the same habano 2020 tobacco that was used in another of the company’s releases, Dos77. Only 200 boxes of 10 were produced, and each cigar carries an MSRP of $9. As is the case with the other releases from Chogüí, Primeraño was produced at an undisclosed factory in Tamboril, Dominican Republic. The cigars are packaged in Chogüí’s normal branding and include a huge sticker. Cigar Reviewed: Country of Origin: Factory: Wrapper: Binder: Filler: Length: Ring Gauge: Vitola: MSRP: Release Date: Number of Cigars Released: Number of Cigars Smoked For Review: ...