In December 2015, Atlantic Cigar announced the impending release of a new annual collaboration with My Father Cigars. Named the Talavera Edición Exclusiva 2015 by My Father, the new blend was sold in three different vitolas, with the initial release available packed in jars in a tribute to its namesake. The Atlantic Cigar website has a bit more information: The Talavera name dates back to the very first jars produced to package Cuban cigars in the late 18th Century. These exquisite jars were manufactured in Spain, where the city of Talavera was world renowned for its high quality ceramics. In terms of blend, the Talavera Edición Exclusiva 2015 by My Father is a Nicaraguan puro that incorporates a corojo 99 wrapper covering a habano binder and proprietary blend of filler tobaccos. All three vitolas are rolled at My Father Cigars S.A. in Esteli, Nicaragua, and there are a total of 500 jars available between threes sizes, although an exact number of jars for each vitola has not been disclosed. At launch there were three different vitolas available. Talavera Edición Exclusiva 2015 Corona Extra (5 5/8 x 46) — $7.15 (Jars of 21, $150.15) Talavera Edición Exclusiva 2015 Toro (5 5/8 x 54) — $7.65 (Jars of 16, $122.40) ...