In case you’ve been under a rock for the past few years, Davidoff has been taking a multi-faceted approach to seemingly becoming the world’s most influential and recognizable cigar company. There have been the brand makeovers of AVO, Camacho and Winston Churchill, and then there has been the retail component. The company has been steadily opening stores in cigar smoking hotbeds around the country, including Atlanta, Las Vegas, Lower Manhattan in New York City, Tampa and a planned Houston store. The Vegas location is a partnership with the father and son team of Frank and Matthew Arcella, who own several other Davidoff stores and kiosks throughout the city. Like the rest of the stores, the new Las Vegas store got its own cigar to celebrate the opening. The new Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar officially had its grand opening on Nov. 14, welcoming cigar smokers into its 2,500-square-foot space that overlooks the Las Vegas Strip and includes a walk-in humidor, several seating areas and a full bar. The new location sits centrally on a 22,000-square-foot plaza on the corner of the Fashion Show mall, and will soon be joined by the flagship location of Sugar Factory, a candy retailer. If by now you’re thinking that halfwheel has already reviewed ...