For the second year in a row, Davidoff has a cigar for golf. The company has announced the Davidoff Golf Scorecard Edition 2016, which is expected to begin shipping this month. The 6 x 55 gran toro uses an Ecuadorian habano wrapper, Dominican piloto binder and Dominican San Vicente mejorado ligero and viso along with piloto visos hybrid/olor piloto seco. “Sharing cigars and comparing scores is a treasured ritual of any round of golf. And as every scorecard has a story to tell, you will enjoy reviewing the tale of the tees with your friends (and rivals), whilst hopefully savouring one of the special winners cigars included,” said Charles Awad, svp of global marketing & innovation at Oettinger Davidoff AG, in a press release. “You will relish every nuance of these exclusive Gran Toros and be able to fill your scorecard as beautifully as your time out on the fairways.” The concept of a winners cigar was introduced last year with the Davidoff Limited Masters Edition 2015. Inside was a special version of the cigar with a gold band. The idea was whoever won the game should smoke the cigar with the golden band, while the rest smoke the regular cigar. This ...