The newest cigar for the Griffin’s has been released stateside. Davidoff of Geneva USA has begun shipping the Griffin’s Nicaragua. The line appeared at the InterTabac Trade Fair in Dortmund, Germany last year and shipped in Europe late last year, but now the line is available in the U.S. The company began shipping the Short Torpedo (4 x 52, $8.50) and Robusto (5 x 54, $10.50) formats today, while the Gran Toro (6 x 60, $12.50) is not expected to be released until July. Each size is offered in boxes of 25. It uses a Nicaraguan habano wrapper over a Dominican piloto cubano binder and five filler tobaccos: Dominican San Vicente seco and piloto mejorado seco, Honduran Olancho seco, and Nicaraguan Estelí lager and Ometepe viso.