In 2004, Habanos S.A. began releasing exclusive cigars for the Habanos-licensed La Casa del Habano retailers. While they are usually limited to one or two different cigars a year, they are only sold in the just over 150 La Casa del Habano stores around the world. When the program started, the cigars were just different vitolas produced in unlimited quantities, but since 2011, the policy has shifted to each release being a limited production. The 2011 LCDH exclusive was the H. Upmann Royal Robusto, a 5 3/8 x 52 vitola of which 50,000 cigars were released in boxes of 10. In total, there have only been two LCDH exclusives in the H. Upmann marca in the series, with the other being the Noella which packaged in glass jars of 25 and was released in 2010. Here is what I said about the Royal Robusto in my original review back in March 2013: I don’t mind saying that I was getting a bit annoyed with Habanos S.A. after smoking mostly ERs for the last month or so and finding almost nothing more than average to below average profiles. Thankfully, the H. Upmann Royal Robusto has reinstated my faith with a profile that is extremely smooth, wonderfully ...