In 1995, the cigar world was changed forever with the introduction of the Fuente Fuente OpusX, the first cigar to utilize all Dominican tobacco. It’s challenging today to understand just how groundbreaking this was given today’s market, but at the time it was believed growing wrapper in the Dominican Republic was not possible, or at least to the standards needed for premium cigars. Since then, almost all of Fuente’s counterparts in the Dominican have made a cigar or two with Dominican wrapper, but OpusX stands alone as the first. The line was introduced in seven different vitolas, all of which were covered in a rosado wrapper leaf that was grown at the Chateau de la Fuente farms. The original cigars were composed of tobacco that had been planted in 1992—the same date that appears in various places on the packing—and aged before being rolled into the cigars, which were then aged again before being released for the first time in late 1995. In addition, the packaging for the original release of the OpusX cigars are quite different then what is being released now. First, the cigars were packaged in slide-top boxes that were discontinued in 1997. Second, the original cigars were ...