Cigar companies have been using exclusive cigars as an incentive for retailers who attend the IPCPR Convention & Trade Show for a number of years, and in 2013, L’Atelier Imports unveiled its version. Dubbed the Extension de la Racine, the line now encompasses three different vitolas, all of which incorporate a sun grown criollo wrapper covering a Nicaraguan binder and an all-Nicaraguan filler blend that includes some Sancti Spiritus tobacco. In July, L’Atelier announced the newest addition to the line, a 6 3/4 x 43 lonsdale that would be limited to 30,000 total cigars packaged in boxes of 20 with an price of $9.25 each. While the cigars are supposed to be an incentive for retailers at the U.S. trade show, international customers attended the show and placed orders. Those orders have already shipped to Europe and as such, the cigar is already on sale in Germany. “Our distributor comes to the IPCPR every year along with one of our best retailers in Germany,” said Pete Johnson of L’Atelier Imports in an email to halfwheel. “We wanted to give them a jump on the release since most of what we do is released in the USA first.” There are now three different vitolas in the L’Atelier Extension de la ...