Every year since 2000, Habanos S.A. has released specific cigars under its Edición Limitada program, a series that includes cigars not seen in the regular production rotation for select brands. While the total numbers per year varied from 2000 until 2003, in 2004 Habanos S.A. starting limiting the total number of releases to no more than three per year. In addition, each of the annual releases are now said to be using tobacco aged the has been aged at least two years. There were three different Edición Limitada releases for 2014: Partagás Selección Privada Edición Limitada 2014 (6 3/10 x 50) — $23 (Boxes of 10, $230) Bolívar Super Coronas Edición Limitada 2014 (5 1/2 x 48) — $33 (Boxes of 25, $825) Cohiba Robustos Supremos Edición Limitada 2014 (5 x 58) — $50 (Boxes of 10, $500) (All pricing is estimated.) Here is what I said in my original review back in November 2014: I have always been a fan of the Bolívar marca, and this Edición Limitada 2014 release did not disappoint. While not an amazingly complex cigar by any means, the profile shifted enough between thirds to keep me interested and the construction was excellent on two of the three ...