In November 2013, Joya de Nicaragua released the Cuatro Cinco Edición Limitada, a 6 x 54 toro extra that commemorated the 45th anniversary of the company. The box-pressed cigar was composed of all Nicaraguan tobacco and was limited to 45,000 total cigars packaged in boxes of 10. Details began to emerge in June that the Nicaraguan-based company would be following up the success of that release with a regular production release using much of the same ingredients, and still produced at Fabrica de Tabacos Joya de Nicaragua S.A., but sporting a different name and different vitolas. The Cuatro Cinco Reserva Especial is based on the Cuatro Cinco Edición Limitada blend, but adds a volado binder from the Dominican Republic. Internally, the filler includes five-year-old Nicaraguan ligero aged in oak barrels that previously held rum, although Joya de Nicaragua said its goal was not to infuse any sort of rum flavor into the cigar. “While aging in barrels is not a new discovery in our industry, since we started using them in (2008-2009) to age the filler tobaccos for the first release of Cuatro Cinco, we’ve been able to naturally amplify the richness of the Nicaraguan taste and aroma in them,” said Juan Ignacio Martínez in an ...