After a downsizing at General Cigar Co., Davidoff of Geneva USA is now, without question, the largest exhibitor at this year’s show. It shouldn’t come as a huge surprise given Davidoff’s strategies that include a hefty dose of marketing spending. The booth itself is the same basic outline that we’ve seen from the last few years, but with a few changes — most notably the old humidor has been replaced by an AVO section and the Zino Platinum bus is nowhere to be found. Despite what doesn’t seem like that many new products, there’s a 64-page sales book and a few pages of notes sitting in front of me. AVO’s New Digs As is mentioned above, AVO has its own walk-in section, a big commitment to the brand which was relaunched this year. Inside was a variety of items, including the AVO promotional items and the new AVO lines. AVO Classic Covers 2015 Volume 2 The follow-up AVO Classic Covers looks incredible. It’s a 6 x 54 toro extra priced at $16. It uses an Ecuadorian 702 Marron wrapper, Mexcian binder and fillers from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. Production is limited to 3,500 boxes in the U.S. It’s hard to argue that ...