Mombacho Cigars S.A., makers of the Tierra Volcan line of cigars, has announced a new partnership with Todd White, a noted observational artist. White designed an ArtBox, a reimagined version of the company’s Tierra Volcan 8-Box, an eight-count box of the Clasico (5 1/2 x 50) vitola. Each box contains two prints of “cigar lifestyle scenes” and some custom paint work. According to Markus Raty, Mombacho’s co-founder, there are two engraved and numbered boxes. The boxes will accompany White on a five-city gallery tour across the U.S. and Canada. They will be available in both art galleries and cigar stores with pricing set at $395. “My paintings are all about character and personality and Mombacho puts the same care and craftsmanship into their work that I strive for when doing a special project. Limited, unique and original,” said White in a press release. The Tierra Volcan ArtBox will be unveiled at a private dinner held Friday, the first of Mombacho’s new Create Series Dinners. The dinner takes place the night before the IPCPR Convention & Trade Show opens in New Orleans, La.