A little over a year ago, Enrique Sánchez released the latest addition to his growing 1502 Cigars portfolio, the 1502 Nicaragua. Released in a single 5 x 50 robusto vitola, the cigar was a tribute not just to where it was made or that it is a Nicaraguan puro, but also Sanchez’s home country, which was “discovered” by Christopher Columbus in 1502 and thus gives the brand its name. For 2015, Sánchez decided that it was time for the 1502 Nicaragua to add a size, a 7 x 48 box-pressed Churchill. Like the rest of the 1502 line, it features a partially covered foot, a feature referred to as the cigar lock, and like the robusto, the Churchill uses a blend of tobacco from Condega, Estelí, Jalapa and Ometepe. Cigar Reviewed: 1502 Nicaragua Churchill Country of Origin: Nicaragua Factory: Plasencia Cigars S.A. Wrapper: Nicaragua Binder: Nicaragua Filler: Nicaragua Size: 7 Inches Ring Gauge: 48 Vitola: Churchill MSRP: $8 (Boxes of 20, $160) Release Date: June 18, 2015 Number of Cigars Released: Regular Production Number of Cigars Smoked for Review: 3 Hand me this cigar with no band on it and I wouldn’t be inclined to call it a Churchill vitola, as the box press takes away one the size’s usual ...