The idea of aging Cuban cigars is far from a new one; many consumers, retailers and distributors pride themselves on their stocks of aged and vintage sticks from Havana, while the commonly accepted idea of needing to let a recently produced Cuban cigar sit for at least a year has become almost a de facto process. But late last year, Habanos S.A. announced that it had taken the process into its own hands and would be releasing not only a pair of new vitolas in two of its most well known global marcas, but that those vitolas had been aged for between five and eight years. The two cigars that would accompany the debut of the Añejados line would be the Montecristo Churchills Añejados and the Romeo y Julieta Pirámides Añejados, a fitting pair given that they are both very well known brands and that the marcas use vitolas known best to the other; in this case the Romeo y Julieta Pirámides is the same vitola as the Montecristo No.2, while the Montecristo Churchills is the same as the Romeo y Julieta Churchills. Montecristo Churchill Añejados (7 x 47) Romeo y Julieta Pirámides Añejados (6 1/7 x 52) Both cigars ...