Continuing a steady trickle of information about their upcoming 25th anniversary cigar project, Miami Cigar & Co. took to the forums on Tuesday to release a bit more information. Barry Stein of Miami Cigar posted images of both the band and the box for the project, along with some additional details that hadn’t been previously confirmed. As had been previously reported, both My Father Cigars and La Aurora’s E. León Jimenes factory are producing cigars for the release, with Stein announcing that the cigars will measure 5 1/2 x 54. They will come in individual coffins, and Stein said when the coffins are removed, the humidor will hold approximately 75 cigars. Stein noted that the blend and price have not been finalized as of yet, though he anticipates the cigars being available in early spring. Production is being limited to 500 boxes of 20 cigars.