After being announced back in January, Warped Cigars shipped the fifth cigar in the La Colmena line exclusively to Orange, Calif.-based retailer Maxamar Ultimate Cigars and its online store, last month. Named Reina, the 6 x 48 belicoso incorporates filler tobacco from both the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, a binder from Ecuador and is covered in an Ecuadorian DesFlorada wrapper. Warped Cigars owner Kyle Gellis shared some details on the idea behind the release in a post on Reddit: The concept of La Colmena is based off the Cuban custom roll concept, a single roller, rolling what they are best at (in term of size and or shape). When custom rolls are made in Cuba by the master rollers of the country spread throughout hotels and LCDH’s they do not band their cigars, in fact when you buy a bundle its ribbon wrapped. Their work is their signature, being able to tell who rolled the cigar by its size/shape/construction. We stayed completely true to this Cuban concept and tradition for Reina, and Jose was in agreement after he finished his first wheel and smoked the blend. This rendition of Colmena is as pure as you can get. Like the other cigars in the La Colmena line, ...