In 2012, the distributor for Cuban cigars in the Asia Pacific region, Pacific Cigar Ltd, celebrated its 20th anniversary in business. To commemorate the occasion, Habanos S.A. released the El Rey del Mundo Aniversario, a 5 7/8 x 54 robusto extra that was sold in boxes of 20 with 80,000 cigars released. The cigar was one of nine different Edición Regional releases in 2012, and the only cigar that year to carry an Asia Pacifico secondary band. Cigar Reviewed: El Rey del Mundo Aniversario Edición Regional Asia Pacifico (2012) Country of Origin: Cuba Factory: n/a Wrapper: Cuba Binder: Cuba Filler: Cuba Size: 5 11/12 Inches Ring Gauge: 54 Vitola: Robusto Extra Est. Price: $20 (Boxes of 20, $400) Date Released: March 2013 Number of Cigars Released: 4,000 Boxes of 20 (80,000 Total Cigars) Number of Cigars Smoked for Review: 3 Covered in a light brown wrapper, the El Rey del Mundo Aniversario is parchment rough to the touch and features some very prominent veins running down the length. It is slightly spongy when squeezed, and there is virtually no oil present at all that I can see. Aroma from the wrapper is a combination of strong barnyard, hay, nuts, manure, leather and earth, while the cold draw brings flavors of oak, barnyard, ...