In 2005, Habanos S.A. released the first cigars in the Edición Regional series, a program that made limited edition cigars available for specific regions, who would have exclusivity on the cigars for one to two years. The first year saw four different cigars released in two different marcas—Punch and Ramón Allones—but the series grew quickly after that, with its most extensive year being 2011 with 25 different cigars produced under 12 different marcas. The 4 11/12 (125mm) x 52 Ramón Allones Petit Belicoso was an Edición Regional for Great Britain that had a total production of only 50,000 cigars, and each box of 10 was individually numbered. Cigar Reviewed: Ramón Allones Petit Belicoso Edición Regional Gran Bretaña (2012) Country of Origin: Cuba Factory: n/a Wrapper: Cuba Binder: Cuba Filler: Cuba Size: 4 11/12 Inches Ring Gauge: 52 Vitola: Petit Belicoso MSRP: $24.50 (Boxes of 10, $245) Date Released: 2012 Number of Cigars Released: 5,000 Boxes of 10 (50,000 Total Cigars) Number of Cigars Smoked for Review: 2 Covered in a honey brown wrapper that is quite smooth to the touch, the Ramón Allones Petit Belicoso also exhibits quite a few veins up and down its length. It is firm when squeezed, but not overly so, and there is ...