In February 2014, the trio of Robert Caldwell, Tony Bellatto and Jaclyn Sears announced a new project called Impromptu, a series of small batch releases that Caldwell found on his travels prior to launching Caldwell Cigar Co. At its launch, the line was described as “a continuing series of extremely limited production blends of some of the most rare, exotic and hard to acquire tobacco varietals that the boutique cigar industry has yet seen.” Impromptu debuted with four releases: Pepper Creme Soda, One Night Stand, Backdoor Bambi and the Lost Reserve. It was made clear that none of the three individuals had anything to do with the blending of the product, rather it was Caldwell who simply discovered them and helped bring the cigars to the market. After adding another release called Stout in June 2014, the line had been relatively quiet until the trio announced four new releases in early February: SilentShout, Buck 15 and the return of the Pepper Creme Soda but in a toro vitola and with the name Cream Machine were the first three, followed by Holy Braille a few weeks later. Also new was the name: Impromptu was out and Bellatto/Caldwell/Sears, or BCS was in — briefly. Just after ...