When you think of Cuban cigars, La Flor de Cano is not where you would like start. Without the Edición Regional program, the brand has been limited to mixed fill cigars since 2002. In 2010, the La Flor de Cano Short Robusto was announced as an Edición Regional for the United Kingdom, giving the brand a longfiller cigar, albeit, a limited one. The Short Robusto shipped in 2011 and another was announced two years later as part of the 2013 program. That cigar is the Gran Cano, a 5 5/9 x 50 size known as gordito, that debuted in late 2013. The cigars were limited to 5,000 boxes of 10 priced at £20 per cigar, or about $280 per box with typical discounting. For those unfamiliar with the Edición Regional program, I’ve summarized it a few times on the site: The Edición Regional program sees Habanos S.A., the marketing and distribution company behind Cuban cigars, create unique, limited vitolas for its distributors around the world. Sizes must be those that are in the Habanos S.A. portfolio, but not amongst the regular production offerings for the brand, although some discontinued regular sizes can be created. New vitolas created for a certain brand ...