There are a lot of cigar smokers in the world, and one never knows where the next collaboration or partnership for a cigar might come from. The industry has seen baseball players, hockey players, football players, TV show hosts, comedians, and musicians featured in cigar releases. In that last group to be particular, we’ve seen two collaborations with the hip-hop world. The first came from General Cigar Co. by way of the Cohiba Comador, a project released with the help of Jay Z, while the second is this cigar, the Undercrown ShadyXV. Shady Records is best known for being the label of Eminem (aka Marshall Mathers), the Detroit rapper who really needs no introduction. He’s sold more than 155 million albums and singles around the world, and as of June 2014, with 45.1 million albums and 31 million digital singles sold in the United States. But for this project it’s not Eminem that’s the key collaborator, it’s Paul Rosenberg, Eminem’s manager and business partner. A noted cigar smoker, he was described as being the impetus behind the collaboration when the project was announced in November 2014. In the press release, Rosenberg said that “as an avid boutique cigar smoker and ...