Davidoff has released a new sampler geared towards cigar lovers looking for a shorter smoke because of weather, lifestyle or simply lack of time. The Davidoff ‘Pause’ assortment features five cigars designed to be smoked in under 35 minutes, making it ideal for people who “lead a life filled with commitments, but who would love to put aside a little time in their day to savour a delicious cigar. Luxury when time is a luxury,” according to Charles Awad, Senior Vice President Marketing & Innovation at Oettinger Davidoff AG, via a press release. Included in the sampler is an Entreacto, Millennium Blend short robusto, Nicaragua short corona, Nicaragua Primeros and a Puro d’Oro Sublimes. The cigars range from smooth to full bodied with flavor offerings for all palates and situations, and for those in a true time crunch, the Primeros by Davidoff Nicaragua can be enjoyed in as little as 15 minutes. Included in each sampler is a guide to the strengths of the five cigars, making the choice as to which cigar will fit the moment best that much easier. The Davidoff ‘Pause’ assortment is now available via Davidoff appointed merchants and Davidoff flagship stores. It has an MSRP of $46.60.