In January of 2008, after brief experiences in both cigar retail and as a talent agent in Los Angeles, Andre Farkas officially started the Viaje Cigar Co., a cigar company that was built around the idea of releasing specific blends exclusively in small batches. The Viaje website expounds on their purpose: Viaje is a boutique cigar company specializing in the small batch approach to cigar making. Viaje represents the idea that quality is better than quantity. That small is better than big. That few are better than many. Why small batch? Well, there are many reasons. Quality, consistency and most importantly, this is where I get my inspiration. If you enjoy mass produced cigars, you are in the wrong place. We use tobacco sparingly to execute our vision of what a cigar should look and taste like. Viaje represents the boutique in every sense of the word. This is what I enjoy, this is what I provide, and this is my promise. The first Viaje cigars were actually blended and rolled at Fabrica de Tabacos Joya de Nicaragua S.A. in Estelí, Nicaragua from 2007 to 2008. Soon after some of the first cigars were made, Drew Estate took over distribution ...