W. Curtis Draper has been around for a bit of time and because of that they regularly enjoy celebrating its anniversaries with specially-commissioned cigars. Last year the Washington D.C. store went to La Aurora, who has helped them with many special anniversary cigars in the past, to create yet another special cigar. For the 126th anniversary though, they came up with a lancero, which was a new size in the Guillermo León line. Last year when I reviewed the cigar, the two samples I smoked seemed like they could potentially be a little over humidified and had a lot of burn issues. Here’s what I originally had to say about the WCD 126th Aniversario: There were great things about this cigar and there were bad things about this cigar. When the flavors were clean and bright, they were nothing short of amazing. The problem is with the frequent burn issues and the constant struggle between smoking too fast and the cigar going out, it caused those flavors to either get muddled or overpowered by harshness. Averaging out the pros and cons though, I can definitely say I enjoyed the cigar more than not. I think these need some time to settle down ...