Last year, when Oettinger Davidoff AG was unveiling arguably the largest makeover of any brand in the history of cigars, whispers began circulating that AVO was destined for a similar transformation in 2014 as the one Camacho received the year prior. Davidoff has unveiled the new look, tagline and blueprints for the AVO brand that will come out shortly into 2015, over 18 months since the Camacho refresh kicked off. Perhaps most importantly, though, it isn’t really a Camacho-esque makeover. There will be updated packaging, lower price points, protected price points, deletion of SKUs, new branding and a focus on making it easier for retailers and end consumers to better understand the portfolio—all pillars of Camacho’s 2013 makeover—but Davidoff believes AVO as a brand is in a much different place than Camacho of 2012. As such, the prescription for improvement will look much different. AVO was created as the personal brand of Avo Uvezian, an acclaimed pianist. Uvezian met Henke Kelner in the late 1980s before Davidoff had moved production of its own brand out of Cuba and to Kelner’s Tabadom Holdings operation in the Dominican Republic. Uvezian first made cigars for himself, which he gave out to friends, but at ...