There are times when circumstances and passions come together, and in the cigar world one recent example of that is the limited edition series of cigars that The Humidor in Wichita, Kan. released for its fifth anniversary at the start of November. The explanation for the cigar and the special release commemorating the store’s fifth anniversary was chronicled in this news story from mid-October, when Gorden Crippen of The Humidor said that “we are kinda sorta movie freaks, so much so that one night we were watching Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs and were struck with the idea that we should do an entire set of cigars based on the movie.” The idea gained traction among the group and they proceeded to build cigars around the main characters, and the fact that there were five main characters corresponded with the store’s anniversary. But as fans of the movie know a sixth character is killed off right after the credits, so Crippen and his crew decided that a sixth cigar would be “one to grown on.” The store approached six different manufacturers about creating store exclusive cigars that would be sold in two formats: first, in the typical way as singles and boxes, but ...