While it’s not uncommon for stores to commission special cigars made for anniversaries, it’s less common that the stores request and come up with a theme for the release. The Humidor (West) in Wichita, Kan. did just that when it asked six companies to make them cigars, naming each one after a character in Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs. In addition to the cigars being sold separately, the store also put together a sampler with all six cigars that it’s calling “The Heist,” in reference to the plot of the movie. We posted a little bit more of the background in our news story about these releases: “We are kinda sorta movie freaks,” said Gorden Crippen of The Westside Humidor, “so much so that one night we were watching Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs and were struck with the idea that we should do an entire set of cigars based on the movie.” The idea gained traction among the group and they proceeded to build cigars around the main characters, and the fact that there were five main characters corresponded with the store’s anniversary. But as fans of the movie know a sixth character is killed off right after the credits, so Crippen and his ...