Crowned Heads will be releasing one more limited edition before the end of the year. The Buckingham is the newest cigar from the Tennessee-based company, made for Cigar Federation and Delaware Cigars, the company responsible for the site’s online store. The unbanded 6 x 46 cigar incorporates Nicaraguan tobacco for both the binder and filler, and uses Mexican San Andrés tobacco for the wrapper. Like the past five releases, the newest Crowned Heads project is rolled at My Father Cigars S.A. in Estelí, Nicaragua. “Today I am proud to announce the second Cigar Federation community cigar, Buckingham by Crowned Heads,” said Logan Lawler, owner of, in an email sent to Cigar Federation members this morning. “I approached Crowned Heads after I purchased Cigar Federation in July to create a cigar which would commemorate the ‘changing of the guard,’ hence the name Buckingham.” Jon Huber, owner of Crowned Heads, had previously posted a photograph on social media of The Buckingham that he nicknamed Proyecto 5, which translates to English as Project 5. The name is in reference to the fact that the company had five projects that it knew it was going to release by the end of the year: The Mason-Dixon ...