The distribution relationship between El Primer Mundo and PDR Cigars is over. Sean Williams of El Primer Mundo has announced that he will once again handle his own distribution through the use of independent sales representatives and brokers. While this marks the end of the distribution agreement that began in May 2013, Williams made it clear this will not make the end of the relationship between the two companies. Abe Flores’ PDR Cigars factory in the Dominican Republic will still be responsible for producing a variety of El Primer Mundo lines. “Abe makes great cigars and I’ve really enjoyed making my lines with him,” said Williams in a press release. “I definitely look forward to continuing with the relationship.” This marks the final and logical conclusion to the year and half long distribution agreement that saw Williams appointed as director of sales for PDR Cigars. He relinquished that role earlier this year in order to spend more time on his own line. “I’m really excited about fine tuning the focus as we move into 2015. This past year has been a whirlwind. We launched a new product with Costa Fuerte, re-launched Epifania, and basically repackaged the whole line-up, including La ...