The Cuban Tradtion Cigar Group has announced that is bringing back a cigar brand with roots in the United States dating back to 1894, as it will revive the Counsellor Cigars name for a launch in 2015. The marks have been registered in the U.S. and the Dominican Republic by T.L. Johnson Companies, LLC, which is headed up by Terry Johnson. The initial launch of Counsellor Cigars will feature sizes from the original Counsellor Cigar Company, as well as vintage packaging and design created by The Tobacco Franchise, a Miami-based company. The first release will feature small, handmade cigarillo style cigars as well as a maduro version of the line, with the line bearing a band similar to this mock-up that the company has released. While the exact sizes are yet to be announced, photos of some cigars have already begun appearing on a Facebook page created for the brand: Johnson told halfwheel that he expects pricing to be between $5 and $8 per cigar when the line launches. The initial release will come in ten-count boxes, with a shift to 20- or 25-count boxes planned for future releases. The cigars are being made at Tabacalera LTC SRL in the Dominican Republic ...