By now the idea of regional releases is nothing new; Habanos S.A. has been doing them since 2005 and numerous non-Cuban cigar manufacturers have released cigars for slices of the country or world, whether it be a state, region, or even two cigars made for different halves of the United States. As the push to conquer the European market grows stronger amongst non-Cuban cigar makers, a good number of them have begun releasing projects just for their European customers, including My Father Cigars, who recently launched a new, limited production size of the Flor de Las Antillas line for Benelux, the region comprised of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. News of this new cigar surfaced in early September via Van Lookeren, the Amsterdam cigar retailer and quickly spread to a number of retailers in the region. A total of 300 boxes of 20 cigars were produced for Benelux, with 200 being designated strictly for the Netherlands, according to the post. My Father Cigars has remained very quiet on the release, and did not reply to several e-mails seeking comment about the project. The tenth release in the Flor de Las Antillas line, the Benelux exclusive is a sizable cigar, with its ...